We help organisations make better decisions using all of their data

Our solutions empower organisations through AI-driven insights from all their data sources to drive improvements in strategy, insight and decision-making.

Who We Are

Never before has so much data been generated within organisation or made publicly available.

In today's fast-moving world, organisations have complex multi-dimensional data, deal with complex multi-dimensional problems and have to make complex multi-dimensional decisions, quickly, accurately and in a timely manner.

Through extensive and ongoing Research and Development, DeepMiner has developed a platform that works alongside existing infrastructure to handle complex multi-dimensional data and support multi-dimensional decision-making for complex multi-dimensional problems.

What We Do

We drive value through data

Reducing inefficiency and poor data quality

Employees can spend between 60 and 80% of their time cleaning, organising and collecting data rather than analysing and creating solutions. We manage and remove duplicate, outdated, or inaccurate data to improve decision-making and prevent costly mistakes.

Delivering contextual insights

Data silos hinder comprehensive awareness of an organisation's operations and customers. DeepMiner enables identifying valuable patterns by analysing multiple data sets together providing understanding through context.

Research and Development

DeepMiner is driven by R&D and innovation. Our team are on a constant quest to bring and develop novel and innovative ways to ensure that our technology and your solution remains at the forefront of the industry. Our team constantly learn and research to make game-changing technology available to our users.

How We Do it

We build strategic assets

We help organisations manage their complex data to drive insights and deliver their business goals

Better Decision Making

Analysis of the relationships between data, empowers organisations to be increasingly strategic through the use of rapid trend and pattern identification.

Saving Time and Human Intervention

DeepMiner significantly reduces human intervention allowing time and resource to be spent on higher-level tasks and strategic initiatives.

Research and Development

At our core is Research and Development. We enjoy pushing boundaries in the search for novel solutions to be integrated into our solutions.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Our technology optimises data management and analysis, enabling organisations to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Enhanced Search and Discovery

Real world data is messy and complex, We allow users to navigate through data finding relevant information promptly and effortlessly.

Integration of Data

Our technology can help organisations to integrate data from disparate sources, making it easier to access and analyse.

DeepMiner are building strategic assets to manage complex data to drive insights and deliver their business goals

DeepMiner is collaborating with a National Government to create a Data Spine which serves as a strategic asset for supporting economic policy and growth.

The Data Spine integrates and structures economic data and knowledge from a variety of sources. The Data Spine serves as a comprehensive and efficient way for policymakers to access and analyse data, facilitating informed decision-making, anticipating economic shocks, and planning appropriate policy responses.

The use of machine learning algorithms and simulations allows policymakers to model and evaluate the potential impact of different policy options, enabling the selection of the most suitable strategy. Ultimately, this Data Spine provides the Government with a powerful tool to drive sustainable economic growth.

DeepMiner is partnering with a multi-agency governmental organisation to build the Golden Record (GR) as a key strategic asset to promote economic development.

The GR offers an encyclopaedic view of client data, empowering economic development agencies to identify trends, developments and opportunities early. This facilitates the tailoring of marketing and outreach strategies, fosters client relationships, and drives public-private partnerships.

Through the centralisation and structuring of customer information in the GR, economic development agencies can make informed decisions that drive sustainable economic growth through a unified and collaborative approach.

DeepMiner is at its core driven by Research and Development. We are constantly striving to bring novel and innovative ways to integrate and break down barriers separating data. We enjoy working to push the boundaries of technology and bring this to our customers.

Working with Academia and following thought leadership, experimentation is a daily task that all of our team are actively encouraged to undertake. Our processes allow for the development of novel technology and solutions that embrace innovation.

As a commercial R&D company, we are proud that our solutions contain innovations built by our team, allowing for real-life problem-solving. By developing in-house we can rapidly prototype new ideas which benefit our customers, whether through new solutions for them or through improvements in our own solutions.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, DeepMiner solutions are designed to work alongside your existing software solutions and databases. There is no need to replace any of your current systems.

Yes, DeepMiner has been designed to be deployed as a private network viewable by those with the correct permission within your organisation or those affiliated.

Yes, DeepMiner works hard to ensure your data is held in a secure private network, and we are more than happy to discuss security arrangements with you.

Yes, the system is GDPR compliant: all data is held in the UK and we are able to work alongside your Data Protection Officer to ensure we meet your standards.

Whilst DeepMiner uses our proven technology to solve your business problems, each solution is designed to your specifications, giving unique insights into your data.

Contact us! We will work with you to understand your business and propose how we can help support your data transition and journey.


Our hard-working team

Duncan Hart


Co-founder Duncan brings 27+ years of business and innovation experience to help solve strategic issues for our customers.

Áine Uí Ghiollagáin


Co-founder of the company, Áine is CTO of DeepMiner with experience in R&D, data science, systems architecture, product design and databases.

Rod MacDougall

Senior Developer

Rod has over 25 years' experience in Innovation in Software Engineering and Software Development.

Lindsey Mackie

Data Scientist

Lindsey’s background in Game Development brings a unique perspective to our R&D.

Tim Clarke

Data Scientist

Tim is an anthropologist who uses NLP to give extraordinary insight into fundamental questions.


Contact Us


ONE Tech Hub, Schoolhill
Aberdeen, AB10 1JQ

Email Us


Open Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM